Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Weak-End.

Truth be told, I am horrible at writing on the weekends.

That's probably because I lead an AWESOME life.
Maybe I am lying, and it's just because I am too lazy to blog on the weekends.
Oh well.

This weekend was quite eventful. On Friday I finished my first week at work. I had a great day making two sales at my company--Clearlink. I really enjoy it there! During my lunches at work, rather than going out to it I prefer finding inner peace and harnessing my chi. For me, that's only a longboard ride and some music away. At lunch I went to El Rojo and grabbed my my lunch and threw it in my mexican backpack. Grabbed the longboard out the trunk and like a banana, I split. I took a short ride to the other side of the large pond and this was my view.
Incredibly pleasant.

I went to Pace's to enjoy a rainbow with Briznitch and Scottipher. We then went to a car show in Bountiful.
I am in love with the old school chargers, I saw this baby and had to sit down and admire.
Even more pleasant.
And then there's this other picture....Smile for the camera!
By the way, I look like Eazy E. RESPECT.

Saturday was rather dull, I watched some MMA. The card in and of itself was rather mediocre to say the least and then the main card really failed to impress. However, one fight that did catch my attention was Connor Heun vs. Magno Almeida. Almeida was going submission crazy. He threw on an armbar that was bound to make Heun tap, he didn't. He gutted it out and won the fight. As the decision was being rendered you could see and out of place elbow. Heun has cahones.

Sunday was remarkable for two reasons. A, it's Father's day. I love you DAD! B, Khyrie and James are getting married. It's official. Awesome! Mother Nature wanted to show her excitement, she left this beautiful treasure as a sign.
Oh Utah, You're kinda beautiful..

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