Monday, June 13, 2011

Relationships Are A Winter Sport.

Today was my first day at my new job. Needless to say it was a hectic morning. I couldn’t decide what to wear. I decided what to wear, threw it in the dryer to help it de-wrinkle a tad bit prior to ironing when I changed my mind. I changed my mind and then had to iron another shirt, this is all while trying to eat breakfast, make a protein shake, shower, and stop from going crazy. It’s not that I was nervous or anything about going to work or anxious or anything like that but it was just the change to my schedule. Which was rough. I went to work and had a phenomenal first day. I really did enjoy it! It was a lot of paperwork, but it was not stuffy and uptight. I liked that.

I went to the gym tonight, I’m exhausted and now it’s time to eat. However, something to think about…Relationships are a winter sport. It’s summer, time to be single, get ready to mingle. Mmmhm, date date date, girls girls girls, gonna be a GREAT summer!

1 comment:

  1. get some challenge. watch me beat you out.
    hp yes. come down and party town.
