Saturday, August 13, 2011


Today is a sad day:
It's the last day of my friend Stephanie living in Utah...She's moving to Portland, Oregon.
The sheriff stopped a fire we were having for the above mentioned friend.
I got pulled over while driving the above mentioned friend home.

Yeah, I got pulled over. The big suck.
The worst part....I didn't have proof of insurance.
Officer homeboy ran my plates and saw no insurance,
That's a no bueno moment.
Although, I do have the insurance...just not the paperwork in the whip.
ya gnome sayin?
rough stuff.

I went to IHOP with the people from the fire today.
I'm wired.
At IHOP I ate the Fried Strawberry Cheesecake.
Not that great.
Ice Cream was the best part about it.
And the whip cream.
I love cheesecake...this let me down.

Anyways. Back to the 5-0.
Officer pulls me over...straight away asks me the following,
"Have you been doing any drugs?"

I reply, "No officer."

He in response says,
"Have you been drinking?"

I state,
"No, I have not been drinking."

He went on to ask me that about five times. . . my answer obviously didn't change.
Finally I said, "Officer, if you'd like you can give me the sobriety field tests and breathalyze me, like I said, I have not been drinking."

He finally realized that I hadn't been drinking and told me that he could smell fruit on my breath so that is why he asked.

Lesson learned:

Don't go to IHOP and eat the fried strawberry cheesecake and then get pulled over....obviously that makes you smell as if you've been drinking.

Wired, but work in the morning. Time for sleep.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Rollin' Up

I like rolling things up.
No, I am not making a reference to rolling up marijuana joints
rolling up to them shawtys like Wiz Khalifa makes reference to his song, "Roll Up."
I am referring to the art of rolling up ya clothes. When I roll up...I transform a pair of plain pants to manpris and rather than a bland long sleeve button up shirts I form a three quarters sleeve.
Aaaand I look more like Bob Ross with rolled up sleeves. RIP Bob.
Why do I have this addiction?
I'm stumped.
I have no idea.
Maybe it's because I love free air caressing my epidermis. That would lead you to think that I like shorts.
Can't stand wearing shorts. Unless it's gym shorts. THOSE are comfy. All the rest ride up too much and never fit.
It's a rough life having long legs.
Be jealous ladies, these legs stretch for miles. ;)

In other news, I have plantar fasciitis.

I found out today that I am getting surgery. They will be cutting my tendon & rasping down the small spur I have.
Hopefully it isn't as painful as it sounds.
Surgery is never fun.
But having plantar fasciitis is not fun either.
At least I'm finally getting healed!
Getting healed is winning in my book.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ridiculous Rants on Ravenous my tummy.

I really like food.
I really enjoy chocolate chip cookies. They are delicious. Homemade of course.
One of my favorite ways to devour a homemade chocolate chip cookie is once it has been frozen.
I don't know what it is but the taste is it completely enhanced. It goes from a new enhanced molecularity perfection which ends up savagely attacking my taste buds rendering my mouth a voluminous black hole consuming all the frozen cookies at bay. I leave no hostages. If you haven't tried it!

I sometimes consider myself a foodie but then I realize my budget is sufficiently lacking to be the food critic and connoisseur I would like to be..but I'm perfectly content with doing it on a budget. I think it adds more interest and produces a greater end thrill when you go out looking to eat somewhere delightful and tasty without spending an arm and a leg to partake. My favorite example of this--that I just so happen to be craving right now...Fuji Sushi. AMAZING.

I could go on and on about food...but it's making me hungry and making me feel gluttonous.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wall Street Biznassss

If you know me....You know I love Wall Street.
I decided to set my room up a little bit better. I got rid of the desk that I had in my room.
Measurements were roughly a foot and a half by about three and a half feet. A great desk that served it's purpose.
I switched it up to a new(to me) desk--a desk that was previously my fathers--that measured roughly...
2'1/2'' by around 6'.
I added a new monitor on my desk to get more of that "wall street feel."
In case you noticed....I put the period inside the quotation...the proper way do it.
My Mom looked at it....and then told me I needed to replace the television I had in my room...with a new flat screen to save space...It's not often that Mom talks me into purchasing cool things...I was shocked. One of those amazing things of summer. I bought one and love it.
Anyways, it looks incredible.

I'm skyping with Brissa, it is weird seeing her so large on the screen. 37 inches from corner to corner. HUGE.
She's threatening me right now telling me to not put picture on....and to no transcribe the conversation.
"Please don't ruin me." A pathetic plea.
She knows where the power to bring her down is.

Too bad I love her!

Love Um

Ugh, she's back to talking about how we deserve a reality show....